Don’t Wait for Change – Make It Happen!

Run for local office. We’ll show you how.

What issue do you care about? How are you contributing?

The 2016 election has sparked a renewed interest in local politics. Citizens understand that real change bubbles up from the bottom. Individuals and advocacy groups are targeting local and state races as a way to realize their visions of America.

What’s stopping you? Don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered with this blueprint…

You want to make a difference in your community by getting elected but it’s hard to know where to begin or what to do. You’re nervous that making the wrong decisions could cost you a lot of time and money. That’s why we created this free Political Campaign Blueprint.

You will get instant access to:

  • Handy campaign timeline to plan your approach
  • Digital infrastructure technology stack diagram to build a winning digital presence
  • Huge, 30-point checklist to make sure you leave no stone unturned
  • Massive campaign mind map containing 264 different details and concepts you need to know

You’ll have a solid, proven, complete strategy to plan your campaign for local office. It will save you the time and frustration of figuring all of this out on your own and will help you avoid costly mistakes.

What’s In the Campaign Blueprint?

This 17-page download outlines everything you need to think about in your campaign for office. You don’t necessarily need to do everything in the blueprint – that will be different for every campaign. But you don’t know what you don’t know and our Campaign Blueprint will ensure that you don’t leave anything out of your plan.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:


The campaign timeline organizes the campaign into two phases: preparation and execution. We provide a graphic that illustrates the steps we recommend any candidate take to launch a successful campaign.


We’ve boiled down our 95-page infrastructure e-book to a single page in this blueprint. Our “Technology Stack” diagram shows all of the different infrastructure components in a complete campaign.


Want a complete list of everything you need to complete and/or think about before launching a campaign? We’ve provided it in this blueprint for you!

Mind Map

We’ve taken our entire Basic Training course and condensed it into a gigantic mind map. This organizes 264 different details and concepts you need to know for a well-executed political campaign.

About the Authors

Andrew Provencher

Andrew Provencher

Born and raised in the beautiful city of Manchester in the great state of New Hampshire, Andrew has been involved with local and statewide politics for the greater part of the last decade. He has consulted and managed multiple political campaigns across the State of New Hampshire while having also worked in the area of communications and public policy for the New Hampshire legislature and business development for a statewide non-profit.

Andrew lives in New Boston with his wife Pamela and is a graduate of the University of Connecticut . In his free time, Andrew serves as the Vice-President and head coach of a local youth football organization.

Sarah Stewart

Sarah Stewart

Long considered one of New Hampshire’s top political strategists, Sarah is best known for her work on presidential campaigns in the First-in-the-Nation primary state. Starting in 1999 with John McCain’s 18-point victory over George W. Bush, Sarah has since managed John McCain’s winning 2008 New Hampshire campaign, served as Tim Pawlenty’s state Campaign Manager, and joined Jon Huntsman’s team as a Senior Advisor during the 2012 Republican Primary.

Between presidential campaigns, Sarah works as a lobbyist and strategic advisor. She has advised national grassroots organizations such as the ONE Campaign and AARP, local advocacy groups like Standing Up For NH Families and corporate clients like CCA Global Partners, Inc. She also works with area non-profits to help with strategic planning, fundraising, and organizing.

Jon DiPietro

Jon DiPietro

Jon DiPietro is a digital marketing specialist who helps political candidates use web technology, email marketing, social media, and digital advertising to be successful. He is the founder of Liberty Digital Marketing, a digital marketing consultancy, and the author of “Social Media for Engineers and Scientists.”

Jon holds leadership positions in the International Society of Automation, for which he has received multiple awards including the Emerging Leader Award. He is a frequent speaker on Internet marketing and social media topics.

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