by Jon DiPietro | Apr 6, 2018 | Communications |
The fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal has led to a number of significant changes to its advertising platform over the past couple of weeks. Today, Facebook announced new, specific policies for “Increased Transparency and Accountability for Electoral...
by Jon DiPietro | Mar 17, 2018 | Communications |
There are two ways a political campaign can get itself into Twitter trouble. The first is to tweet something troublesome. Avoiding that kind of strife requires a whole series of blog posts. But the second way to get yourself in a Twitter mess is to retweet something...
by Jon DiPietro | Feb 15, 2017 | Communications |
Facebook is a great equalizer for campaigns and can reach potential voters like no other medium. The good news about Facebook advertisements is that they’re so easy to do, any candidate can do it. The bad news is that they’re so easy to do, most candidates...
by Jon DiPietro | Feb 2, 2017 | Communications |
Andrew and Sarah recently had the opportunity to sit down with BJ Perry of Talient Action Group and ask for his direct mail insights for political candidates. BJ has extensive experience helping candidate bridge the gap between traditional, print media and digital...
by Jon DiPietro | Nov 25, 2016 | Communications |
Social media can be a blessing and curse. It’s a great way to reach voters but it’s equally easy to shoot yourself in the foot. In this post, we’ll cover some all-too common social media mistakes that are made by political campaigns. Spelling Counts...
by Sarah Stewart | Nov 4, 2016 | Communications |
en·dorse·ment [inˈdôrsmənt, enˈdôrsmənt] NOUN an act of giving one’s public approval or support to someone or something. synonyms: support · backing · approval · seal of approval [more] Do political endorsements matter? The candidates running in the Republican...